Casualties of War

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The Staff

Casualties of War

Aldo -- Project Lead, Lead Models and textures, storyline

ShadowWolf_IH -- Lead Fredder

Sesquipedalian-- Interface Artwork

Woomiester-- Interface Artwork

Icefire-- background Artwork


Casualties of War 2 - Waterlord

ShadowWolf_IH -- Project Lead, Lead Fredder, New backgrounds

Nuclear1 -- Storyline expansion and smoothing, dialogue

Trashman --Models and textures

Stratcomm -- Model repair for SCP compatability


Casualties of War 3 - iron resolve

ShadowWolf_IH -- Project Lead, Lead Fredder, New backgrounds

TopAce -- Lead Tester

NGTM-1R -- Tester

Dragon -- Tester, Texture fixes